I find it pretty hard to believe that the last great hope for nylons on TV today is none other than the Today Show. I would never have guessed that one of the shows most housewives turn to every morning would be the current best place to see great legs in great nylons today.
I first noticed this about a year ago, while flipping through the channels on a Saturday morning. My attention was quickly grabbed by their former weekend co-host,
Campbell Brown, and her fantastic pair of legs clad in nylons. That was all I needed to see, I was hooked.
Sadly, Campbell left a few months ago to take a new gig at CNN. Luckily, the void was filled by the equally lovely
Amy Robach. I've been very happy seeing Ms. Robach on the Saturday edition, since she seems always willing to show off her fantastic legs in some great pairs of nylons as well.
It was around the time that Campell left that I started recording the daily shows on my DVR as well while I was at work. Man, did that ever turn out to be a great decision.
I quickly found that one of my favorite Hollywood women, Giada DeLaurentis, had at some point become a co-anchor during the weekdays. I was always used to drooling over her while she did her Food Network shows, but this brought it to a fantastic new level, since she would always wear skirts and nylons on the Today show, and it was everything I hoped it would be.
I also found that some of the regular co-hosts had fantastic legs and always wore nylons as well, so this quickly became the show for me. Apparently, Ann Curry is 51 years old, but my god, look at those legs! She can usually be counted on to wear a nice business suit looking outfit and a great pair of sheer black nylons. Always fantastic to see.

The other great co-anchor is Natalie Morales, the younger fox in these photos. Pretty much anything she wears looks fantastic on her, and she seems to enjoy showing off her great legs as well, so that is some good tv.

My last favorite thing about the show is a regular they have on, who if I was a woman, I would probably know her from her other regular tv gig, since she's a pal of Oprah apparently. Her name is
Jean Chatzky, apparently she's some kind of financial expert or something, but with
legs like hers, she could be the worst financial person in the world, and I'd still probably take her advice.